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Space Portal

building anAlchemy Door

  • online consultation sessions


  • to discover and explore portals to self-acceptance and transformation


  • in a "language" that works you

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Dreamscapes Alchemical
Manifestation Method



"We can never know for sure what will happen to us when we physically die, but we can learn a lot by paying attention to experiences of the mind that transcend the small, limited ego-mind, whether these moments happen on our meditation cushions or with unprompted glimpses of emptiness, or when falling asleep."

In the mini-death of nighttime sleeping, the self cannot maintain the fiction by which it survives during the day, and we enter the unpredictable landscape of dreams. Sleep is the most obvious of many daily deaths. Yet each micro-version of death can function as a portal through which we enter the realm of dying. Each experience of it allows us to learn about what we most dread, and to diminish our fears by befriending them."

-Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche,

In Love With The World:

A Monk's Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying

All live face-to-face services at this site are offered exclusively via confidential, online video sessions. 

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