Virtual Therapy for Expats
based in Amsterdam, NL
Expats are on our journey for a variety of reasons.
Sometimes we need a little extra support:
Finding community
Adjusting to a different set of norms
Listening to one's internal guidance system
Visioning, motivating, clarifying.
Get support for your expat life
Sometimes it can take a lot of patience and self-compassion to get through tedious processes --
registering with Gemeente, KVK, taxes, medical, social security
making a home
weighing the trade-offs of different choices
learning languages and systems
People often relocate because of push factors and pull factors. Push factors might include safety, lifestyle, economics, and family. Some examples of pull factors are the opportunity for Residency, Visa, or Citizenship; falling in love; investment; family. These factors all contribute to decisions about if/when to go back and visit, and how to adjust to life in your new home. And not just adjust, but thrive!
It's normal to have doubts, fears, anxiety, stress, isolation, loss of direction, and second thoughts about living as an expat. It's also normal to need support and seek therapy to help with your transition, transformation, stability, and vision. Meeting with a therapist to have confidential online conversations about your process can be immensely helpful.
My Story
2016 - 2021
2001- 2016
Moved with family from Porto to Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Returned to hometown of Roanoke, Virginia to start a family, transition our businesses to work-from-home, and stage our move to Portugal. In 2019, moved with new baby to Porto, bought and upgraded an apartment in Bonfim, and enrolled daughter in local school. Navigated the pandemic and had a second child. Continued practice therapy virtually with clients from California.
Lived in California -- San Francisco, Pacifica, and Humboldt.
Became licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor after graduate studies in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology at JFK University in the Bay Area. (License is still current). Many years of psychotherapy practice in community clinics, private practice, and university campus. Studied with experts in Harm Reduction Psychotherapy and Nondual Psychotherapy. Met my spouse and got married.
Lived in Madrid as a freelance English teacher after graduating from college at University of Richmond, Virginia with a BA in International Studies.
“Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is. At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible...”
“It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”
Quotes from The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho